Enhanced Fire Protection Solutions - Extended Coverage Sprinklers vs. Standard Coverage & Storage Sprinkler Applications

Extended Coverage vs. Standard Coverage Heads

There is more to it than the higher cost of an Extended Coverage (EC) Sprinkler. We EC sprinklerexplain the difference between standard and extended coverage, discuss the types of spaces where the EC will provide an effective protection. We will show how the more costly sprinkler can result in significant total savings in a sprinkler system. Join us to review this subject and the potential savings when using a cost effective design in buildings.

Storage Sprinkler Application

The distribution of products has undergone a huge transformation over the years fueled by telemarketing and online shopping. Developments in construction and warehouse ESFR25management systems and increasing cost of land have resulted in the quest to build taller warehouses. We discuss these challenges higher ceilings with mixed commodities as well as the need to ensure the system’s viability in the longer term. Let us show how you can futureproof your warehouse.


  • Overview of different types of sprinklers in Standard Coverage, Extended Coverage and Storage applications 
  • Live demonstration of sprinkler spray patterns (Singapore, Dubai).
  • Explanation of the differences, advantages and design criteria

Course Information

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Availability: Singapore, Dubai, Bangalore (India)
  • Target Audience: Open enrollment
  • Certification: Certificate of Training
To enroll in this class or find out more information, email for Singapore / Bangalore training-apac@tycofp.com and Dubai training-ME@tyco-bspd.com.

For 2020 schedule on this course and other open enrollments in the region please visit: Training Schedule 2020 - APAC - Middle East