INERGEN 150/200 Bar Design

Certification Training for INERGEN 150/200 Bar Fire Suppression System Design

This course is the last day of the three day training program, for those who will be designingInergen 150_200 Bar ServiceINERGEN systems. Students will obtain hands-on training by participating in example work problems and running piping calculations using the INERGEN Calculation Software. Attendees who attend the design program will receive a certification for design, installation, service, maintenance, and recharge.

The course will end with an exam and attendees will receive a product certification which will allow them to design, service and maintain the INERGEN 150/200 Fire Suppression System.


  • Attendees will work through real life scenarios to apply what they learned
  • Attendees will become familiar with the technical manual and where to find the information they need to design, service and maintain the INERGEN 150/200 Bar Fire Suppression System

Course Information

  • Duration: 1 day
  • Target Audience: Authorized Distributors Only
  • Certification: Product Certification

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