2025 Training Calendar for Special Hazards

Johnson Controls is pleased to announce the release of the 2025 Training Calendar for Special Hazards.


ANSUL Fire School
 May-6  TueMay-8  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Jun-24  TueJun-26  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Jul-15  TueJul-17  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Jul-29  TueJul-31  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Aug-12  TueAug-14  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Aug-26  TueAug-28  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Sep-23  TueSep-25  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Oct-21  TueOct-23  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Oct-28  TueOct-30  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
ANSUL Vehicle Fire School
 May-20  TueMay-22  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Jun-10  TueJun-12  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI -- En Español 
 Sep-9  TueSep-11  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Oct-7  TueOct-9  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
REDLINE Extinguisher Service and Maintenance
 Feb-3  Mon  VILT 
 Mar-3  Mon  VILT 
 Mar-31  Mon  VILT 
 Apr-21  Mon  VILT 
 Jun-2  Mon  VILT 
 Jul-10  Thu  VILT 
 Sep-2  Tue  VILT 
 Oct-13  Mon  VILT 
 Nov-10  Mon  VILT 
 Dec-4  Thu  VILT 
 Jun-27  Fri  In-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Aug-1  Fri  In-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Sep-26  Fri  In-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Oct-24  Fri  In-person Training: Marinette, WI 

Pre-Engineered Systems

 Jan-27  Mon    
 Jan-29  Wed    
 Feb-24  Mon    
 Feb-26  Wed    
 Mar-17  Mon    
 Mar-19  Wed    
 Apr-14  Mon    
 Apr-16  Wed    
 May-12  Mon    
 May-14  Wed    
 Jun-16  Mon    
 Jun-18  Wed    
 Jul-21  Mon    
 Jul-23  Wed    
 Aug-18  Mon    
 Aug-20  Wed    
 Sep-2  Tue    
 Sep-4  Thu    
 Sep-29  Mon    
 Oct-1  Wed    
 Nov-10  Mon    
 Nov-12  Wed    
 Dec-8  Mon    
 Dec-10  Wed    
 Jan-28  Tue    
 Feb-25  Tue    
 Mar-18  Tue    
 Apr-15  Tue    
 May-13  Tue    
 Jun-17  Tue    
 Jul-22  Tue    
 Aug-19  Tue    
 Sep-30  Tue    
 Nov-11  Tue    
 Dec-9  Tue    
 Jan-13  Mon    
 Feb-3  Mon    
 Mar-3  Mon    
 Mar-24  Mon    
 Apr-7  Mon    
 Apr-9  Wed    
 Jun-2  Mon    
 Jul-7  Mon    
 Aug-4  Mon    
 Aug-6  Wed    
 Sep-15  Mon    
 Sep-17  Wed    
 Oct-13  Mon    
 Nov-17  Mon    
 Nov-19  Wed    
 Dec-1  Mon    
 Jan-14  Tue    
 Feb-4  Tue    
 Mar-4  Tue    
 Mar-25  Tue    
 Apr-8  Tue    
 Jun-3  Tue    
 Jul-8  Tue    
 Aug-5  Tue    
 Sep-16  Tue    
 Oct-14  Tue    
 Nov-18  Tue    
 Dec-2  Tue    
 Feb-5  Wed    
 Jun-4  Wed    
 Oct-15  Wed    

Vehicle Systems

 Jan-27  MonJan-29  Wed  
 Mar-24  MonMar-26  Wed  
 Apr-14  MonApr-16  Wed  
 Jun-2  MonJun-4  Wed  
 Jul-21  MonJul-23  Wed  
 Aug-18  MonAug-20  Wed  
 Sep-29  MonOct-1  Wed  
 Nov-17  MonNov-19  Wed  
 Dec-15  MonDec-17  Wed  

Engineered Systems

ANSUL AUTOPULSE Conventional and Addressable Panels
 Apr-8  TueApr-9  WedConventional  -  In-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Apr-10  ThuApr-11  FriAddressable  -  In-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Nov-18  TueNov-19  WedConventional  -  In-person Training: Marinette, WI
 Nov-20  ThuNov-21  FriAddressable  -  In-person Training: Marinette, WI 
High-Pressure CO₂
 Jan-28  TueJan-29  WedService and Maintenance 
 Jan-30  Thu  Design 
 Jan-31  Fri  Low-Pressure CO₂ Design 
 Mar-25  TueMar-26  WedService and Maintenance 
 Mar-27  Thu  Design 
 Jun-3  TueJun-4  WedService and Maintenance 
 Jun-5  Thu  Design 
 Aug-19  TueAug-20  WedService and Maintenance 
 Aug-21  Thu  Design 
 Sep-30  TueOct-1  WedService and Maintenance 
 Oct-2  Thu  Design 
 Oct-3  Fri  Low-Pressure CO₂ Design 
 Dec-2  TueDec-3  WedService and Maintenance 
 Dec-4  Thu  Design 
INERGEN 300 Bar with iFlow Technology
 Feb-4  TueFeb-5  WedService and Maintenance 
 Feb-6  Thu  Design 
 Apr-22  TueApr-23  WedService and Maintenance 
 Apr-24  Thu  Design 
 Jul-22  TueJul-23  WedService and Maintenance 
 Jul-24  Thu  Design 
 Nov-4  TueNov-5  WedService and Maintenance 
 Nov-6  Thu  Design 
INERGEN 150/200 Bar
 Feb-11  TueFeb-12  WedService and Maintenance 
 Feb-13  Thu  Design 
 Mar-17  MonMar-18  TueService and Maintenance 
 Mar-19  Wed  Design 
 May-13  TueMay-14  WedService and Maintenance 
 May-15  Thu  Design 
 Dec-9  TueDec-10  WedService and Maintenance 
 Dec-11  Thu  Design 
SAPPHIRE/FM200 Fire Suppression Systems
 Feb-3  MonFeb-4  TueService and Maintenance 
 Feb-5  Wed  Design 
 Mar-31  MonApr-1  TueService and Maintenance 
 Apr-2  Wed  Design 
 May-12  MonMay-13  TueService and Maintenance 
 May-14  Wed  Design 
 Dec-1  MonDec-2  TueService and Maintenance 
 Dec-3  Wed  Design 
SAPPHIRE PLUS Fire Suppression Systems
 Feb-17  MonFeb-18  TueService and Maintenance 
 Feb-19  Wed  Design 
 Dec-8  MonDec-9  TueService and Maintenance 
 Dec-10  Wed  Design 
Large Dry Chemical Systems Inspection, Service, and Maintenance
 Feb-18  Tue    
 Jun-17  Tue    
 Nov-13  Thu    

Foam Systems

ANSUL Foam Systems Service and Maintenance
 Jan-14  TueJan-16  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Mar-11  TueMar-13  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Apr-15  TueApr-17  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Jun-17  MonJun-19  WedIn-person Training: Cranston, RI 
 Aug-5  TueAug-7  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Sep-30  TueOct-2  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Nov-4  TueNov-6  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
ANSUL Foam Systems Design and Specification
 Feb-4  TueFeb-6  ThuIn-person Training: Boca Raton, FL 
 Apr-1  TueApr-3  ThuIn-person Training: Boca Raton, FL 
 May-13  TueMay-15  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Jul-15  TueJul-17  ThuIn-person Training: Marinette, WI 
 Aug-26  TueAug-28  ThuIn-person Training: Boca Raton, FL 
 Oct-28  TueOct-30  ThuIn-person Training: Cranston, RI 
 Dec-2  TueDec-4  FriIn-person Training: Boca Raton, FL 

Water Mist Systems

ANSUL AquaMist® Systems for Industrial Fryer Protection
 Jan-7  Tue

 Feb-18  Tue

 Mar-25  Tue
 May-8  Thu
 Jun-5  Thu
 Jul-22  Tue
 Sep-19  Fri
 Nov-11  Tue    

All classes offered virtually via MS TEAMS unless noted otherwise. Instructions will be enclosed in your Confirmation Letter.

All courses are offered 8 am – 5 pm Central Time Zone unless noted otherwise.

Enrollment Instructions

JCI Employees

Sign up for training by accessing the SumTotal LMS here or through through Edcast’s Learning Hub at https://johnsoncontrols.edcast.com/

Authorized Distributors

To enroll in a training program you must have the product line on your Distributor Agreement. If you do not have the product line on your agreement and wish to enroll in a training program; please contact your local Territory Sales Manager well in advance of the training date. You must register for in-person training 3 weeks in advance and virtual instructor-led training 1.5 weeks in advance. This allows us time to process registration; and for you to prepare any necessary prep prior to the training..

With your existing TechXchange username, create a new password today and login to discover a straightforward path to learning.

Bookmark or save the following link for easy access:

Important Information for New Users and Students

New users must provide their authorized account number to view and enroll in certified training programs.  Once registered, open enrollment courses are visible to the new account holders immediately.  Please allow 24-48 hours for authorized product training courses to populate into your new user catalog.     

ANSUL® Fire School and the associated Extinguisher Service and Maintenance classes are open enrollment and available to everyone 18 years of age and older.

Important Information for Authorized Distributors

Only current employees of Authorized Distributors are eligible to earn an official Certificate of Training for the specific products listed in your Distributor Agreement.  Johnson Controls reserves the right to remove any student from a class or revoke eligibility if they do not meet the above criteria. 

If you do not have the product line in your Distributor Agreement and wish to enroll in a training program; please contact your local Territory Sales Manager well in advance of the training date.

Cancellation and No-Show Policy

Confirmed registrations cancelled less than 10 days of training will be subject to a $100 service charge. If you do not cancel within and fail to show up to training, you will be charged the entire cost of training tuition.

We understand that there may be occasional tardiness to class. Cut off time is 30 minutes after the start time of class.

You are required to complete the entire course of instruction to qualify for a Certificate of Training. We track attendance and participation. Exceptions will not be made to this requirement.

As a reminder, Johnson Controls reserves the right to cancel a training program at any time.

Should you have any questions, please contact Training Services at  training.ansul@jci.com.