Extinguisher Manufacturing Date Locations

When determining the level of service an extinguisher requires, you must find the date of manufacture. These dates are located in various locations depending on the model of extinguisher. 

REDLINE Date Location:
REDLINE hand portable extinguishers will have a date above or below the outlet elbow in which the hose is attached to. The date will be a two digit stamping which indicates the year of manufacture (i.e. 98 = 1998).

REDLINE wheeled units will have a date on the shoulder of the tank shell. The shell will have a stamping with a format of MM/ATSM/YY. The MM will be the month and YY will be the year of manufacture.


SENTRY Date Location:
SENTRY dry chemical and CLEANGUARD extinguishers will have a date on either the bottom of the extinguisher shell or on the bottom outside extinguisher skirt (pre 1988). The date will be a two digit stamping which indicates the year of manufacture. 

Note: The stamping may be faint and require close examination to determine date.


SENTRY CO2 extinguishers will have a date on the shoulder of the cylinder. The date will be a stamping and appear as a month (i.e., 3 = March, 8 = August, etc.) followed by the inspector’s stamp and then the year (last two digits).

SENTRY water extinguishers will have a date on the hanger loop. The date will be a four digit stamping which will be the manufacture year (i.e. 2004).

K Guard extinguisher will have a date on the extinguisher hanger loop. The date will be a four digit stamping which will be the manufacture year (i.e. 2004).
